Vinyl Theatre – If You Say So (February 23rd)

One of the perks of working for a radio station is the constant stream of music you hear throughout the office. There are so many different personalities, so the music you hear can range from tons of different genres.

Today I overheard some music that was causing me to tap my feet to the tune. I yelled out “Hey who are we listening to right now?” but I received no response. I then had a new task at hand. I started really listening intently to try and pick up on some lyrics.

I typed up a couple of sentences on Google, and discovered Vinyl Theatre.

I am glad that I did, because I’ve listened to a good handful of their music now and I gotta say it is very solid. I’ve enjoyed every song I’ve heard so far, which doesn’t always happen.

In honor of discovering new bands, today’s song is “If You Say So” by Vinyl Theatre, a band I discovered today.

I love it when I find a new song from a band I’ve never heard that I enjoy. Because then I can get a hold of their album/s and add them to my music library. It’s unfortunate but after hearing the same songs everyday they start to get stale. Adding something new to the ears is such a relief. It usually works out perfectly to where once I start to get bored of the new music I’m once again longing to listen to the old stuff I had gotten tired of before. It’s a healthy cycle of new to old music and back again.

I hope you, like me, enjoy some music from a band you may not have heard of before.


Yellow Ostrich – Whale (February 22nd)

I have no confidence. I figured this out late last night, around 2am, while I was in the middle of a pretty intense make out session with a chick.

You see, it came to me while I was tongue deep in this chicks mouth that I didn’t know if she was interested in me.

Like that though actually ran through my mind. I mean seriously it did. Why? I have no clue. Obviously she is interested in me or we wouldn’t be making out on her couch multiple times. Cause I can understand one time, she might just be curious. But multiple times, there’s no question right? Apparently there is to me.

Then everything kind of made sense. Why I hadn’t made any progress with any of the girls I had been talking to recently. I literally just have no confidence. I’m so sure that a girl is not interested in me that I’m not willing to even take the chance.

I guess I would also say I am scared of rejection. But I am starting to think I would rather try and be rejected than to just never have tried anything at all. I’m taking last nights lessons and turning them into tools to use on the girls I’ve left stranded on friend zone island.

By the way, today’s song is “Whale” by Yellow Ostrich.

Yellow Ostrich is another one of those bands that I found in one day and knew that I enjoyed their music. In fact I found them earlier today. They were given to me as a suggestion from a Youtube video I was already watching.

Thanks Youtube, this song is a jam.

My favorite lyrics from the song are –

“I’ve been swimming for a thousand years and I’ve
Seen more than you can realize
But I accept that you will never understand
So I will gladly take your hand”

Hope you enjoy this song!

Just Surrender – Tell Me Everything (February 21st)

“Just one more outburst
And I’m leaving you like you left me one year ago
And I know that this could never be an apology from you”


Safe As Houses – In All Honesty (February 20th)

As I mentioned yesterday, I have discovered two bands with the same name. And I enjoy both of their music. However, the band I used to listen to six years ago no longer exists so there’s that. I still enjoy their music however.

So it’s tax season. I haven’t filed my taxes yet, but when I do, I hope to get a nice little check back and use it for something nice.

I actually considered taking my tax refund to the casino and betting it all on roulette. I mean why not? It’s money that I didn’t have in the first place. So if I lose it I never really had it, and if I win, I double my money!

I probably won’t do that however because I’m too much of a chicken. I should really use my refund to get something I actually need, or will at least use more often than not.

Today’s song is “In All Honesty” by Safe As Houses.

Now remember this is NOT the same band from yesterday. This is an entirely different band, you can tell by the music style as well. Yesterday was a much more softer, sort of folky/acoustic sound. This is a more prog rock style.

I found this band so long ago and it saddens me that they did not gain any traction or attention. This song could easily be on the radio right now and people would go crazy for it. At least I can still go crazy for it here in my room with the speakers all the way up!

Favorite lyrics from this song are –

“Who will save you?
I can’t save you.
Who will save you?
I can’t save you.
Save you from yourself.
I wish I could save you from myself.”

Now, check out both of the bands known as Safe As Houses, and enjoy their music!


Safe As Houses – Sink My Boat (February 19th)

I started this post by looking up a band that I used to listen to about 6 years ago. I found that band, but I also discovered a new band that goes by the same name. So both today and tomorrow will be dedicated to Safe As Houses, one of which is new, one of which is old.

So I pretty much have a girlfriend now.

I say pretty much, but in reality we are not anywhere near officially boyfriend and girlfriend. In fact we’ve only hung out twice. But she did ask me to hang out with her on Saturday. Unfortunately I am working on Saturday so I told her I can’t. I met her halfway though and tomorrow we will hang out during the 3 hours of break she has at school.

I’m kind of running around the house right now. My internet continues to fade in and out which is super annoying, so somebody is supposed to be getting out here to replace my modem for me.

Because of my internet issues I’m going to keep this post short, today’s song is “Sink My Boat” by Safe As Houses.

I literally found this band about 20 minutes ago. I’m digging them a ton. This song flows so well, it has a couple of tempo shifts in it which you don’t get enough of these days. I really hope to hear more from this band, especially because they all look so young, so they can only grow from here.

Favorite lyrics from the song –

“The waves are harsh and heavy,
Still, still, my boat stands,
Concealing, the faults you’ve made
Step and stand on the stains,
We’re symmetrically wrecked and rotten,
Disease running through our veins
Why don’t you, hear my plead to you?
Why won’t you?”

Brand New – At The Bottom (February 18th)

Yesterday I had some delicious pizza! It was from a place called Jet’s Pizza. Apparently they are originally from Michigan, however there are a couple of them that have popped up around here in Florida. The 8 corner crust pizza was to die for.

I also went to Tijuana Flats yesterday where my order was accidentally doubled so they just gave me all of the extra food! My luck was pretty high at this point so I decided to play the lotto.

Did I win?

Well I don’t know yet, they don’t draw the numbers until tonight. But if I win 50 million dollars I’ll definitely write a post about it tomorrow.

The thing about the lotto is it’s pretty much impossible to win. Yet somehow just playing it gives you a high. You spend all day thinking about what you’d do with the money. For instance, if I win I’m going to set my mom up for life. Then I’m taking a trip to New Zealand.

You also have to wonder just who would turn up after you win and pretend how good of friends you are. I have a few people that I know would legitimately be friends that didn’t care about the money. These are the people that would end up reaping all of the benefits of the money.

I wonder if by becoming rich over night, you would actually also become isolated over night. Like do you stop trusting anyone so you seclude yourself? Or do people start immediately judging you because “he doesn’t deserve it”? Striking it rich could have a negative impact. To ponder on all the things you would do for your friends, yet you wonder if they would reciprocate, I present today’s song “At The Bottom” by Brand New.

Brand New is an awesome band. I’ve been listening to them for a very long time and am constantly and patiently waiting for them to release some new music. Most people would say that Dja Entendu is their best work. However I disagree and say that The Devil and God is a better album.

Then why post a song from Daisy you ask?

Because it’s my blog and I do what I want!

But seriously, At The Bottom is easily one of the best Brand New songs. I don’t even like Daisy as an album, but I love this song. I mean look at these lyrics,

“And we spoke
About the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
And which psalms we had loved the most
And then we all turned to dirt
And dust”

Gives me chills. I hope it does the same for you.

Cartel – The Minstrel’s Prayer (February 17th)

“And I’ll hold on to the dream
Of this beggar’s plea and optimistic fantasy
Just hold the hand and drop the knee
You’re facing love
You’re embracing melody.”


Acceptance – So Contagious (February 16th)

So, Valentines day has come and passed. Well, I actually had a Valentine miraculously. I went over to a girls house and stayed until like 5am. We hung out and had a good time, even ordered a heart shaped pizza!

Nothing happened if that’s what you’re wondering.

However there is good news. This girl is not one of the many that I’ve gone out with and have no idea what is really going on. We actually met because she thought I was cute. Luckily I think she is cute as well.

Valentines day was actually only the second time we’ve hung out. To me that is good news, because if she wasn’t actually interested then we would not be hanging out more than once. Also the way we talk to each other makes it obvious that we are both interested in this becoming something more. Of course right now I’m sort of just feeling it out so I can see if I am really interested. So far I’m strongly leaning towards yes though!

Today I bring to you an old band that is no longer together. Our song today is “So Contagious” by Acceptance.

This entire album is perfect from start to finish. It really sucks when a band like this just doesn’t end up taking off when they have perfectly good music.

My favorite lyrics from this song are,

“Oh you’re everything I’m wanting
Come to think of it, I’m aching
On account of my transgression...
Will you welcome this confession?”

I really like the feeling to these lyrics. I think everyone has been in that situation where you want to tell someone how you really feel about them. But you are unsure how they will react, or how they feel about you.

I do hope that everyone had a good valentines day. I managed to have a good one, even though I thought I was going to be alone this year. I also hope that this song is one that you enjoy and can keep with you!