Tag Archives: fate

The Academy Is… – Skeptics and True Believers (February 27th)

Wake up in the morning and make a blog post. Today’s going to be a good day! Well except that I start work at 12:30 and will probably be working until all hours of the night. But, on the bright side I’ve got a cute date tomorrow.

The girl that I am investing most of my time into and I are going to a theme park tomorrow. Like the way I classified her? We aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend. And while I don’t know if we are “exclusively” dating each other, I would assume we are. However, if something were to come up I might be inclined to stray since we haven’t made anything official yet.

Let me tell you one of the coolest things about this girl though.

We like the same music!

This is actually a pretty big deal. All of the girls I’ve ever dated have not listened to the same music as me. One of them eventually warmed up to my music and we went to a bunch of concerts. That was cool. But to have someone just enjoy the same music that you do right off the bat? That’s hard to come by these days. Especially since I listen to a lot of music that no one has ever heard of.

The good thing is she doesn’t necessarily have to know of the bands that I do, I just know that if I play some music shes never heard of she will enjoy it. That’s the coolest thing.

Today’s song is “Skeptics and True Believers” by The Academy Is…

This is another one of those older songs that just sits with me well. This was the song that turned me on to The Academy Is… and rightfully so, as it’s a grade A jam.

my favorite lyrics from this song are probably just the chorus-

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t need you,
’cause I wouldn’t believe you if you said the same to me.
And near death, last breath, and barely hanging on.
Would you believe me if I said I didn’t need you?”

Keep jamming and have a great day!

October Fall – Tongue Tied (February 26th)

Every now and again I stumble upon a song that I used to listen to and upon hearing the melody a rush of memories pours into my mind. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. I had that experience today.

When I was 17 years old my first girlfriend and I broke up. It was really hard for me because we had known each other since we were 12 years old. We dated for about 3 years and when it was good it was great. We had our share of problems however, she had started getting into smoking, both weed and cigarettes. Something that I was not about. (I’m still not about it even now)

After we broke up I discovered this song. It made my heart sink. It just felt like the song had to be about my failing relationship and how much I missed her. For a time I really believed we would eventually cross paths again later in life and have a happy family together.

Of course I met someone new and had an even longer 4 year relationship with her. I didn’t talk to my first girlfriend for years. Then randomly one day, after my other 4 year relationship we ran into each other randomly. Just as I thought would happen. She recognized me, yet I did not even recognize her. Not that she looked bad or anything, I just honestly did not know who she was.

We ended up trying to be friends for about a week but that did not work out. She started dating some guy and he didn’t want us being friends any more. I didn’t even really care because I had gone plenty of years without her so far.

To this day we haven’t seen, or spoken to each other.

So this post is dedicated to her. We had a good run while it lasted, and even though it ended on a bad note, I’m glad we shared the time we did. I’ve grown so much because of it, I know she’s made mistakes, but one day I hope she has it all.

I’m not bitter. I’ve moved on. Sorry for the long post, today’s song is “Tongue Tied” by October Fall.

The lyrics that hit me the hardest are –

“Your head lays down upon this car
But I hate you for what you are
And what I have become
Fire burns within your lungs
So light yourself another smoke
And recreate what you call home”

These hit the hardest because we had issues with her smoking which eventually ruined our relationship. Anyway, it’s a great song and I hope you enjoy it.

Safe As Houses – Sink My Boat (February 19th)

I started this post by looking up a band that I used to listen to about 6 years ago. I found that band, but I also discovered a new band that goes by the same name. So both today and tomorrow will be dedicated to Safe As Houses, one of which is new, one of which is old.

So I pretty much have a girlfriend now.

I say pretty much, but in reality we are not anywhere near officially boyfriend and girlfriend. In fact we’ve only hung out twice. But she did ask me to hang out with her on Saturday. Unfortunately I am working on Saturday so I told her I can’t. I met her halfway though and tomorrow we will hang out during the 3 hours of break she has at school.

I’m kind of running around the house right now. My internet continues to fade in and out which is super annoying, so somebody is supposed to be getting out here to replace my modem for me.

Because of my internet issues I’m going to keep this post short, today’s song is “Sink My Boat” by Safe As Houses.

I literally found this band about 20 minutes ago. I’m digging them a ton. This song flows so well, it has a couple of tempo shifts in it which you don’t get enough of these days. I really hope to hear more from this band, especially because they all look so young, so they can only grow from here.

Favorite lyrics from the song –

“The waves are harsh and heavy,
Still, still, my boat stands,
Concealing, the faults you’ve made
Step and stand on the stains,
We’re symmetrically wrecked and rotten,
Disease running through our veins
Why don’t you, hear my plead to you?
Why won’t you?”

Ronnie Day – I’ll Wait (November 21st)

I’m 23 years old and on my own.

Life seems to be moving faster than I can keep up with and that’s terrifying. I need to slow down for a day or two and get my head straight.

When I was 18 years old I had a plan. I knew what I was going to do with my life and while I didn’t know how I was going to do it, I was damn sure going to try my hardest. Things started off pretty slow and I was lucky enough to land an internship at a company that eventually got me a job in the field of my major. I’ve now been working for a year at my current position. It was a very slow year, I hardly knew anyone at the company and I didn’t work often enough to really make friends.

That all changed just a few weeks ago. Out of nowhere I made a very good friend out of one of my coworkers. Once that happened everything seemed to blossom almost immediately. A more stable position opened up at the radio station and people started to recognize me.

Of course you have to take the good with the bad. For some reason it seems that the better I do in my work life the lonelier I feel. I guess things are just happening different from how I expected at 18. Back then I thought I would have someone by my side to be there with me when the good times come. Unfortunately, that isn’t true. I’ve got myself, my cat and a cup of ramen noodles to greet me when I get home.

I’m not exactly spending a ton of time looking for someone to share my day with. But it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t mind it if something came up.

I guess the best way to explain it would be through song, today’s song is “I’ll Wait” by Ronnie Day.

Ronnie Day kind of blew up on MTV when he released his album, eloquently titled “The Album”. It’s a gut wrenching TRUE STORY of falling in love with his girlfriend and then their slow decline into separation as she left him when he went to record music in LA.

Since then he hasn’t really done much, a few songs here and there, an EP a couple years back. This was one of the songs on his EP, this of course is the live demo version of it as opposed to the studio version. But let me say this, I think the rawness of the live version trumps the studio version. I can feel, and see his emotion as he belts out the chorus.

I would love to meet him one day because he seems like an awesome dude who would be cool to chill with.

I’ll finish this post with some words for whomever might find their way into my life next.

“There’s no rush, I’ll wait for us

I’ll wait for us, always…”


Art Decade – Western Sunrise (November 6th)

Have you ever woken up and just thought to yourself “Everything is going to be just fine…”?

Today I did just that. I awake in one breath and could just feel it in my bones, everything was going to work itself out. I cleaned up a bit around the house, listened to some tunes and then I grabbed lunch with a couple of close friends to catch up on what has been going on since the last time we spoke.

Our conversation became quite winded, and we managed to lose track of time somewhere along the way. We didn’t mind however, the talk was enjoyable and much needed. That was when I realized how much better it feels to be out and about participating in life. For the past week I’ve been sheltering myself behind closed doors because I thought being along would give me time to plan what to do next.

I was wrong, being alone drained me of energy. Going out made me feel rejuvenated. After seeing my friends I spoke with one of my bosses about possibly moving on to do bigger things, I’m now in the works of getting a promotion, amazing what a little bit of confidence can do for you.

Today’s song is Western Sunrise by Art Decade.

This song is fast paced, with some positive energy which is exactly how I’m feeling today.

I want to point out that I really think talking with some friends about life and whatever makes you happy can make all the difference. I’m sure there is someone reading this who thinks “Well I don’t have any friends”. Well just know that there is always someone willing to talk to you, I am one of those people and would gladly talk to anyone about anything if they gave me the time.

My personal email address is Denniswalker221@gmail.com shoot me an email if you feel you need someone to talk to, I never leave my phone so unless I’m working I’m available.